I am still honestly just so tired! Like nothing has changed at all! I have been really bad at putting lotion on, and I have gotten a couple baby stretch marks which makes me so so so sad! So it is time to   get on that! My back has been a little sore, but nothing to bad! I still have been having an upset stomach like all week everyday! Which sucks! I can't believe that we only have 7 weeks left until he is here! Like that is so crazy, but honestly I am ready to have my body back! I want to buy all these clothes, and I try them on and my body just looks awkward and unflattering! I am ready to wear high waisted jeans and cute tops again! Although I am proud because I haven't bought any maternity clothes and I don't plan on it!

I suck and didn't even keep track of anything this week! We did have another appointment, and I gained 4 lbs! Probably from all the left over sugar cookies and cupcakes I ate from by baby shower! Like I was eating them every single day, multiple times a day! Everything looked good though and our next appointment is in 2.5 weeks! His movement has slowed down a little, just because he is running out of room in there! I have definitely been getting more nauseous after eating. At first I was just kind of nauseous. But now it is every time I eat an actual meal and then I get a super big upset stomach. It just gets annoying and old! I still don't have any cravings. If I see someone eating something that just looks good, then I usually end up getting it for me! Like this week I passed Taco Bell, and I saw a picture of a freeze and realized it was happy hour, so I had to stop to get a freeze! Just little urges like that!

This has been a big week! Other than the fact that I broke this week. I am seriously so done with being pregnant! Like, its been fun and all but I'm done! Like I guess it is getting to the bittersweet part. Pregnancy is such a miracle, and feeling a baby move inside of you is unreal! But it gets to the point where a person just gets sick of it. All  I want to do is see and feel him outside of my body! Like I am so curious as to what he is going to look like! It is going to be so surreal! This week we also hit 1 month left! I am so excited but also really nervous! He could honestly come at anytime, and I am really hoping he comes early! We spent the weekend in Cedar City at the PCRA rodeo selling popcorn. I noticed that this week is when my exhaustion really hit! I was so tired! It is certainly getting harder to roll around at night because I sleep in a thousand positions! I also have been having very mild cramps, but no stronge contractions. Also he is the size of a pineapple this week! That is so crazy because I am not very big so it just seems so unreal that he is really that big! I also had to stop again this week for another freeze from Taco Bell! Like the skittle strawberry one is seriously so gooooood! Last week his movements did slow down, which is what my doctor had told me was going to happen. But this week he is moving around like crazy!

This week I experienced my first "getting sick if I didn't eat"! Throughout this whole pregnancy eating is what was making me not feel good. Saturday we went grocery shopping, and I was so so so hungry! Like I did not have the patience to go home and make something because we went at night. So we were lazy and went to A&W's. And they were so slow! Like I was so nauseous in the drive thru that I opened up a can of Pringles that we had just bought and started eating them.😂 Like it is so funny how I couldn't just wait to get my food! I have also been waking up nauseous and with headaches, so that isn't super fun!

It is so crazy to think that after this update I only have 1 more until I am 40 weeks! But who knows, if he gets here early, this could be my last official update!😱

Thanks for reading!!!


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